Photo albums from Samuel and Cath's Indian trip 2010





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Short Album

Album with twenty pictures - a short summary of the trip.

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S& on the hill around Munnar

Album 1: Fort Cochin, in Kerala, South India - this is where we arrived in India.

Cochin scene

Album 2: To the hills - a bus trip to Munnar and then trekking in the hills and tea plantations.


Album 3:

A trip by bus to the Chinnar nature reserve located to the north east of Munnar (plus a side trip to some Mesolithic tombs).

Chinnar is mostly much drier than Munnar.

Serpent eagle

Album 4: More pictures of Munnar. We did see many traces of wild elephants (elephant poo and destroyed trees) but caught only a glimpse of a small group.

Aview from the Munnar hills

Album 5:

Thattekad bird reserve -back to the plains.

We saw lots of birds here, including nightjars (no photos) and a relative of the nightjar, the frogmouth.

view of Thattekad lake

Album 6:


We saw a temple at Ettumanoor and then stayed at a village near Kumarakum. This is near the house of the english planter referred to in "the God of small things" (now a hotel) and lies among the backwaters of Kerala. There were vast numbers of birds here.

Album 7:

Spices, Periyar reserve and inside a typical house.

We visited a spice garden, trekked in the Periyar forest reserve and saw how many families live in one room,cooking on wood and growing a few vegetables and spices.

pepper vine

Album 8: Madurai sights - this picture was taken in the large temple and we also visited a smaller temple where there was a wedding.

Temple elephant, madurai

Album 9: Madurai palace - a Murgal building that has been restored.

Murgal palace

Album 10: Train trip to Trichy - we traveled second class. Sometimes the train got quite full.

view fromthe train on route to Trichy

Album 11: Trichy sights - this cover picture shows a temple chariot. We saw the Red fort and a large temple complex which the town has spilled into.

Temple chariot, Trichy

Album 12: Train trip via the Nilgri mountain railway. The cover picture show a steam locomotive at the depot in Coonar. We spent some time in Coonar on the way to Ooty. In Ooty we went on some treks but found the town rather overdeveloped.

Steam loco

Album 13: By bus to Jungle Retreat, where we stayed in a bamboo hut. We saw deer and mongoose from the hut, and went on several treks and visits to nearby areas.

Spotted deer

Album 14: An elephant close-up. Perhaps a bit too close up - our driver got quite nervous!

Elephant eating fruit

Album 15: We left Jungle retreat and went to Calicut on the Coast and saw a little of the city including some old Mosques.

14 Century mosques

Album 16: Cheria beach - where we stayed while waiting for a flight. We saw a small temple festival and went on some treks and canoe trips in the backwaters.

The beachand seeting sun at Cherai